

What exactly is our Government doing? Everywhere you look; in every direction there seems to be trouble brewing.

In the last week, two major energy companies have announced huge rises in gas prices, despite their massive annual profits. We have Civil Servants who can’t add up, and the education establishment has finally been caught out fudging the exam marking, requiring thousands of children to re-sit their GCSE’s. On top of that, the police are under the microscope following the Hillsborough cover-up and we have arrested five Royal Marines and charged them with murder for killing an aggressive enemy!

I don’t know what our politicians were expecting, but surely if you send troops into a war zone where they could be killed, especially when many of the enemy have donned friendly uniforms in order to murder our men, then we must expect that some of the niceties and codes of conduct will go out of the window!

Meanwhile our Government’s priority is not to tackle the obscenity of rising energy prices or to refuse to obey the EU directive to close down many of our power plants which could leave us once again short of the energy the nation really needs; oh no, they spend their time discussing MP’s pay and Gay Marriage!

It’s about time that Ministers took some responsibility and at least attempted to run the country. It would also be nice if we could return to a time when local MPs represented their constituents and were not led by their self-indulgences and personal ambitions.

As it stands we appear to have voted in a political elite composed of over privileged, chinless wonders who are residing in the place of far better qualified people, who, given the opportunity, might just achieve something for the nation, instead of themselves.


Does anyone like me find it a bit hypocritical of Prime Minister Cameron, when he says the Falkland Islanders and the Scottish have the right to self-determination over who governs them, yet continues to deny us the same right with respect to the EU?



Normally, I have nothing but praise for our ‘old-bill’ but, come on, if a bobby can’t tell the difference between an old blind chap feeling his way home using his ‘white stick’ and a samurai sword wielding thug, I suggest the white stick be given to the officer in question and the samurai sword be given to the unfortunate Mr Farmer in order to protect himself from any further taser attacks from young overzealous policemen.

Perhaps Ed Miliband should call for an enquiry!

STOP PRESS: Chief Sup’t Stuart Williams, of Lancashire Police, said the force had "deep regrets" and had "clearly put this man through a traumatic experience". Later he added ‘that being concerned about public image’ he'd just made arrangements for all hisTaser-wielding officers’ to go to Specsavers!