If you want to arrange a drinking session in a place that
produces beer, then don’t for God’s sake ask a Tameside councillor for advice!
In the middle of March, Tameside council issued a Press
Release in which Cllr Jim Fitzpatrick, Tameside Council’s first deputy, said: “At
Tameside Council we are acutely aware of the pressures under which retailers
have had to operate over the last six years. We are committed to reviving our
town centres and have been working closely with town teams.”
So, what do they do? They craftily increase the Car Parking
charges by 80% – from £1.00 to £1.80 for an hour - 5 to 10 minutes of which is
spent queuing at the pay-station whilst people rummage around trying to find
the right money, as NO CHANGE IS GIVEN; another way of screwing shoppers and visitors!

Her suggestion being that these ‘points or stamps’ could
then be cashed in for ‘rewards’ such as tickets to events or a free swim!
However, typical of Tameside council, they announce a scheme
that on the face of it would appear to have merit, but as usual, the finances
have not been thought through! No mention of how this scheme is to be paid for!
In the 60’s, Green Shield issued 1 stamp for every 6d spent
with participating retailers. The equivalent today would be 1 stamp or loyalty
point for every 50p spent.
In the 60’s, each book contained 1,280 stamps and to collect
enough stamps to fill it, one would have to have spent £32.00.
To fill the equivalent of 1 book today you would have to
spend £640.00.!
So, to get an adult ‘free swim’ in Tameside, normal cost:
£5.10p you would need to spend £81.00. – That’s after you've just paid another
80p for the privilege of parking your car!
Now if our creatively challenged councillors think that is
an incentive to visit Ashton, Hyde, Droylsden or Stalybridge, then they probably still believe in the tooth fairy and that the moon is made of cream