Seeing as my main target of contemptuous laughter has only
been wandering around Blocksages Playing Fields this week, I thought I’d turn
my attention to what appears to be a growing financial scam that is becoming
rife around Tameside – That of the rise of The Benefit Cheats!
This week, the National Daily’s broke the story of a despicable
woman who had been cheating the system and stealing over £36,000 of our tax
money, so that she could travel the world with her civil partner.
Cheryl Brooks, 45, of Stalybridge was apparently caught, after
3 years of swindling the system, because she stupidly posted photographs of
herself and her partner on Facebook, enjoying elephant rides, feeding koala
bears, stroking a leopard, posing at the Sydney Opera House in Australia,
signing her name at Elvis Presley’s Graceland home and singing karaoke in
She had claimed she was single but was living with her civil
partner Margaret Brierley, 42, on three separate claims forms, which over the
period, allowed the crooked couple to rake in £36,166.81 in overpaid benefits.
But the real injustice here is not so much the crime, but
the sentence; which saw the thieving pair cocking a further snook at the leniency
of their sentence by Brooks sending a ‘status update’ to her page, which read:
“Well for once things went well for me and I'm still here taking my bag home
with me thank you for all the good wishes I've had and everyone’s support.”
She then had the audacity to put a further two fingered
salute to authority by posting on Facebook about holding a “get out of jail”
Presumably getting shit-faced with all her other benefit dodging mates
and other like-minded wastrels who think it's good to support a couple of common thieves.
So much for British justice!
How often do we read the same old line from Tameside
Council’s executive member for finance, who’s always quoted as saying, “I must
stress that cases like this are rare. However, we will never hesitate to take
people to court when we believe it to be necessary."
No wonder our so called financially strapped council is
claiming poverty when we have Judges who on hearing these cases for the
prosecution, say things like: “I don’t believe everything you said to
probation. I think you had a good lifestyle out of that and funded luxurious
foreign travel.
“You had a number of bank accounts and although it wasn't fraud from the start, it quickly became so. You have health problems and I give
you full credit for your plea.”

Last year, a mother-of-five who committed benefit fraud by
claiming £76,000 she was not entitled to also escaped jail. The reason as
explained in the summing up was, “In a way you richly deserve to go
immediately into custody."
“It is true the income support was not from the outset
dishonest but your claiming of housing and council tax benefits was wholly
“But you are the mother of five children and I think you are genuinely
remorseful. You are also looking after your nephew and your testimonials are
very complimentary of you. “I am just about able to suspend this sentence but
should you be back before this court for any offence, you will be going
immediately into custody.”
The woman was ordered to perform 200 hours community service
within the next year and pay £300 in prosecution costs.
The irony is, she is paying back the money she owes - out of
the benefits she is still claiming!
So, as for these cases of cheating the taxpayer being ‘rare’
– These examples of injustice follows on from a similar case a couple of weeks
ago; again from another Stalybridge woman, Jane Broadhurst, previously of
Church Bank, Stalybridge, who failed to inform Tameside Council that she was
living as husband and wife with Stephen Broadhurst, who was in full-time
employment as proprietor of a haulage company.
She unlawfully received £17,906.20 for the period October
23, 2009, to August 6, 2012.
She was found guilty after a two-day trial at Tameside Magistrates’
Court, and was given an 18-week prison term, again suspended for 12 months,
ordered to complete 250 hours of unpaid work, and to pay the council’s costs of
The problem is, this type of fraud is buried; no one wants
to admit it’s going on, and because no one’s really taken hold of it, it’s
grown to a point where it’s getting totally out of control.
There are literally thousands of cases of benefit fraud placed
before the court and the result of most of them is non-custodial!
Whether it was intended as a joke or not, as soon as that
message was seen on Facebook regarding ‘a get out of jail free party’ Cheryl
Brooks, should have been hauled back to court, charged with contempt and the
full custodial sentence carried out.
It is only by making examples of these parasites that the
fraudsters will think twice. After all, it’s our money they’re stealing!