

I am totally astounded that so many MP’s still think taking “No Deal” off the table in the Brexit negotiation with the EU is a good idea, and that further delay in the whole sorry debacle is helpful.
The other day as well as a number of Conservative MP’s who voted with the opposition on this blatant attempt to hijack parliament, in order to secure legislation to ask the government to seek another delay to our exit, I noticed that the usual suspects; Andrew Gwynne, Angela Rayner and Jonathan Reynolds all voted to take ‘No Deal’ off the table, which once again exposes the treachery within them and their party in ignoring the clear and overwhelming wishes of their Tameside constituents, and further underlines their determination to deny the restoration of sovereignty and independence to the UK.

It would appear that their clear intention is to remain under the control of the unelected bureaucrats in the EU; these Labour MP's would be happy to see Westminster reduced to the authority of a local council.

… And we all know how beneficial that would be!

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