

A leaflet dropped through my door the other day, containing news from our friendly councillors.

The Headline read: NO LAUGHING MATTER and they’re right, especially when one read the bit about how they have delivered on 1 of their ‘15 for 15’ pledges.

Last year, Tameside council introduced a shopper loyalty scheme which is running across the entire borough.

So far, according to their own figures, over 205 local businesses (which is a strange number to base a statistic on) and 1145 Tameside shoppers have registered to join the scheme.

Which in a nutshell tells us that in a borough with approx 265,000 residents, a miserly 0.43% of Tameside residents have taken an interest and may have benefited in some way from this scheme!

Of course, what the council fail to divulge, as usual, is the full cost this loyalty program.

For instance, what were the costs, such as those associated with program launch; the database creation and maintenance,(if they’ve had the foresight to capture it) the value of rewards/savings claimed, and costs attributed to the issue of regular activity statements.

Promotions are a great way to increase revenue and reward important customers – providing they are executed correctly. Unfortunately, this ‘shopper loyalty scheme’ appears, by the council’s own statement, to be a typical example of a left wing council interfering in an area of business it should have steered well clear of.

The great tragedy here is the fact than rather than admit failure and pull the plug, they inform us that they are to continue down this mad path!

Tameside – the council who say they’ve no money!


  1. My leaflet tells us that Labour have also reduced car parking charges in Tameside. Unfortunately, they don't tell us who put them up in the first place.

  2. You're right there Lad!

    Here's something else you've probably not heard yet either and that's the fact that Council tax contributions towards policing is to be increased by £5 per year for the average band D property!

    Ask, when they knock on, to justify that on the doorstep!

  3. I asked the council 3 times over the last couple of weeks how much this venture has cost to implement. They finally replied yesterday, they sent me a link and in total this has cost £14,100.

    Phil Chadwick

  4. Another pointless scheme by this useless and shambolic council.


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