

Although it’s often dangerous to pick fights with people who obviously must buy their ink by the barrel; may I respectfully suggest that those writers who wish to present their personal position statements, retire for a short while to a quite and peaceful phrontistery, where they could compose their letters and advance their position with a little more clarity.

I am certain that some who correspond in the readers section of the Tameside Reporter are, in all probability, highly skilled crossword puzzle solvers, and are well used to flip-flopping across several subjects and theorising on imponderables, especially when speculating on uncertain or tentative grounds. However, I feel some have fallen into the trap of galimatias! 'Eh' it happens to the best of us, especially when pronouncing solutions on matters of gravity!
Over the years, I've found that when working with large groups of people...there are so many levels of literacy. Therefore I tend to use the most basic language, so that the least literate will be able to understand some of the message I'm trying to get across. I do not expect everyone to agree with me as everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

If this upsets some, then please feel free to not read on any further. However, I suspect that those who’ve criticised recently do so as former holders of civic office, sniping from the ancient battlements of some local authority and others who seem to have succumbed to the siren call of Strasbourg. These people are obviously so used to communicating in a pontificating form of indecipherable nonsense, rather than engaging in 'meaningful dialogue' that I have seen fit, in this instance, to raise my game.

As for indulging in ageist name calling; (crusty, ill-tempered, archaic and ‘old!’- Tameside Reporter 4th April 2019) well, one would hope most right minded thinkers would agree that ageist terms should be as unacceptable as racist or sexist ones. One would also like to think that those who hold responsible positions in organisations that set educational standards and others who involve themselves in banner waving on behalf of political movements could try a little harder and communicate using positive or at the very least, non-judgmental language.

Every man, whether he is young, middle-aged or elderly, has his trifling pastimes, and every man has those little things that annoy him greatly. Therefore, if I should express my concerns as to the antics of the ambitious politician, or indeed any other subject that I find annoying, and would venture an opinion, then I have every right to do it! Besides, I believe that easy targets should get it in the neck every once in a while, lest they become bolder and more numerous.


  1. I dealt with you when I worked in the advertising industry. You were a pompous self opinionated old fart then. It would seem the passage of time has not tempered you bizzare waffeling or pedestrian intellect. You seem to be cross between Victor Meldrew and someone displaying the latter stages of Korsakoff's syndrome.

  2. In a devious and corrupt world, being cynical means that at least I get some pleasure out of it! However, if you don’t like it, then please don't bother coming here again.


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