Listening to both David Cameron and Ed Miliband’s New Year’s
speeches it appears that none of our political parties have grasped the basics
that borrowing money cannot raise the country out of the mire. If the taxes
that the government collect, which are enormous, cannot meet the bills, then
the bills must be reduced. We must reduce spending and giving money away to
‘poorer’ countries. Can’t they see that Britain can no longer afford the
ambitions of our politicians?

I ask you; look at the present political landscape here in
the UK, and just think about what our parties are offering. Ask yourself: is
there anything that even remotely touches on the concerns that are most
pressing to us?
Week on week, we hear about families up and down the country
who are facing hardship. Many find it a struggle to feed their children, pay
their fuel bills and higher stealth taxes combined with static wages has seen
over 120,000 people seeking help from food banks. There are millions
unemployed, and our welfare and education systems, housing stock and NHS are all creaking under the strain of
years of Labours mismanaged immigration policies. We are fighting an unwarranted and unwinnable war, and today, the first working
day of the New Year, commuters were faced a 6% rail fare hike!
And what are our MPs doing? Well, one side are concentrating
on amending the laws so that Gay’s can get married, put cigarettes in plain
packages and continue to send £50 million a day to fund or membership of the EU.
While the other lot are calling for constant public enquiries, and higher taxes to fund a
no-nuclear, wind-powered future where everyone is equal and we all hold hands
and celebrate the gorgeous mosaic of our diversity.
There are still a few MPs of the Enoch Powell, Thatcher and
Foot sort in modern public life, but my impression of very many of today's
politicians is that they've no particular principles, beliefs or aspirations,
either for Britain or the world. They just want to be in office; once there
they begin vying and jostling to take their turn to clime the greasy pole.
Today, it would seem that becoming an MP is one of the ways in which clever
and/or well-connected men or women can fulfil a more sophisticated way of the
everyday chav's aspiration to be famous.
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