

Reading the letter by Cllr John Taylor, published in the Tameside Advertiser this week, he responded to criticism by PA Bowers who suggested he was ‘taking jobs away’ when he apparently converted from an ex-shop steward/convener to a litter-picking councillor. However, I think the self-orchestrated photo call raised another more sinister point.

Whilst we all recognise that this self-publicity is done for obvious reasons, it pales in comparison when one looks closely at how the councillor was dressed.

Notwithstanding the total disregard to adhere to standard Health & Safety guidelines; how can it be socially and morally acceptable for a senior Labour councillor to wear the image of a mass murderer on his shirt whilst smugly posturing as council litter-picker? If some other lower ranking public sector worker was walking around their town with an image of Adolf Hitler, Ian Brady or Harold Shipman on their attire, whilst serving school meals; was engaged on crossing patrol duties, or delivering meals to the elderly, they would quite rightly be berated, if not unconditionally suspended! So too therefore, should this publicity seeking councillor.

Let’s not forget, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara murdered both men and women in his prison of La Cabana. Not one to bother with trials. He killed teenagers. He insulted blacks, referring to them as Negros who never bathe. He advocated using Soviet nuclear weapons on New York City. He called Mexicans a bunch of illiterate Indians and he put scores of Cubans to death by firing squad. He personally shot hundreds of innocent people, including a woman who was six months pregnant.

Now we all know of Cllr Taylor’s voracious appetite for filling the local press’s column inches with his opinions. Sadly though, he’s has repeatedly demonstrated that he is not so rapacious when asked to answer specific readers’ questions - like why he and his council colleagues allowed TESCO to get away with the noncompliance of promised work placements; but in view of this recent self-publicised photo-call, especially one offering many incompatible messages, surely Tameside residents are entitled to know whether; he is actually a supporter of Guevara, the ruthless killer? Is he saying he agrees with the politics of this communist Marxist anti-capitalist? Or was he just making an ill-informed fashion statement?

One can appreciate the fact that some teenagers and college students like to buck the system and may at some stage wear the mass-marketed garb that represents something unconventional, but worn whist working on a constituency project by a senior career councillor; the deputy leader of the council no less; a man who purports to serve a multi-ethnic society; is it really acceptable?


  1. There he is again, with his bin-bag....I saw him wandering around with that bag in Stalybridge at the height of the branch library closure scandal; why wasn't he out there actively opposing the closure of branch libraries? Once again, he is in this week's Reporter, praising Tesco Hattersley to the skies...no word about the promised jobs that never materialised....what exactly is he for?

  2. If it looks like a ...3/13/2013 5:25 pm

    Photos like this are useful. They save you having to look up the definition of certain four letter words in the dictionary.


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